Lyme Conference Planning Committee meeting summary: April 8, 2016

Read the Lyme Conference Planning Committee meeting minutes from April 8, 2016.

Introductory Remarks from Conference Facilitator

Dan Normandeau introduced himself as the conference facilitator. He summarized his background work and how he hopes to support the conference.

Registration Numbers and Travel Funding Request Overview

To date, the Conference Planning Committee Secretariat received 200 registrations for in-person attendance, and 45 webcast registrations for the conference. As well, 54 applications for travel funding were received by the April 1, 2016 deadline. The Secretariat is currently assessing the applications and applicants will be notified by April 15, 2016. Conference Planning Committee members were canvassed on whether they require travel funding support.

Conference Agenda

Planning Committee members suggested adding time to the conference agenda on the opening of day 3 for a short recap from the presentations/discussion of the breakout sessions. Planning Committee members also suggested identification of rapporteurs for each of the breakout sessions.

Public Forum

To date, 94 individuals have requested to present at the Public Forum (May 15). The Planning Committee agreed to have simultaneous presentations in multiple rooms.

Next Steps

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on April 20, 2016. The Secretariat will canvass Planning Committee members to confirm their availability.

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