Safe Food Handling For Pregnant Women

Transcript - Safe Food Handling For Pregnant Women

Pregnant woman walking towards rocking chair in her baby's nursery.

Sound up: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star music playing.

Narrator - Kelly Fallak is expecting her first child, and has been cautioned about the dangers of listeriosis.

Pregnant woman pouring hot water into cup.

Kelly Fallak - Expecting first baby: "I was actually even told by my doctor, it's probably best to stay away from deli meats so I avoid those for sure knowing that I'm pregnant. It's a good thing to stay away from."

Narrator - During pregnancy a woman's immune system is weakened and the unborn child's is underdeveloped, putting them both at higher risk.

Leafs of lettuce being washed in a kitchen sink.
Vegetables being cut.

Dr. Jeff Farber - Director, Bureau of Microbial Hazards - Health Canada
" And "And listeria feeds off that and so for example if you're eating lets say, could be even like leafs of lettuce, you may have one or two cells of listeria monocytogenes on that leaf of lettuce. If those cells encounter an individual who's immune system is weakened, they can take advantage of this and they get, they can actually pass through the stomach into the intestine and what happens is they actually cross the intestinal wall and migrate and make their way to the liver and spleen where they can actually multiply in these organs and then invade the rest of the body.""

Sushi in the grocery store deli counter.
soft cheese.

Kelly Fallak - "I've been really cautious just to stay away from certain foods. I stay away from sushi, and soft cheeses just knowing that those can be pretty dangerous as well."

Sandwich being made with packaged deli meats.

Narrator - Here are some of the other foods pregnant women should avoid: Non-dried deli meats like bologna, roast beef and turkey breast; hot dogs straight out of the package; any product containing raw eggs like salad dressing, cookie dough and cake batter; soft cheeses such as brie, camembert and blue-veined cheeses containing raw or unpasteurized dairy products.

Woman placing meats in separate containers in the refrigerator.

Woman stirring meat in a frying pan.

Digital thermometer at 71 degrees Celsius.

Sound: Beeping of digital food thermometer.

Narrator - For protection from food borne illness during pregnancy, it's important to follow safe food handling and cooking practices. Be sure raw meat, poultry and fish and seafood is separated from other food in your grocery cart and refrigerator. Proper cooking is the best way to make sure your food is safe to eat. Always remember to cook raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood to a safe internal temperature. A digital food thermometer works best.

Soon-to-be-parents organizing baby's closet.

Narrator - For more tips on ways to feel good, have energy and support a healthy pregnancy visit

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