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Ultiva 1 mg (December 21, 2007)
- Starting date:
- December 21, 2007
- Posting date:
- January 07, 2008
- Type of communication:
- Drug Recall
- Subcategory:
- Drugs
- Hazard classification:
- Type I
- Source of recall:
- Health Canada
- Issue:
- Product Safety
- Audience:
- General Public, Healthcare Professionals, Hospitals
- Identification number:
- RA-2008A1
Product label have a printing defect where a small area of ink was not transferred onto the vial label. This defect, the size of a decimal point, appears on certain labels directly before the Ultiva strength (1 mg) and may be mistaken for 0.1 mg instead of 1 mg
Depth of distribution
Wholesalers, Hospital pharmacies and Clinics in Canada only. No exportation.
Affected products
Ultiva 1 mg
DIN 02230409
Dosage form
Powder for solution
- 1 mg
Lot or serial number
49290DD, 52185DD, 56275DD
- Recalling Firm
- Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
8401 Trans Canada Highway
Saint-Laurent Quebec
Canada H4S 1Z1
- Marketing Authorization Holder
- Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
8401 Trans Canada Highway
Saint-Laurent Quebec
Canada H4S 1Z1
- Date modified: