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3M Canada Company recalls Screen and Keyboard Cleaner

Starting date:
June 11, 2014
Posting date:
June 11, 2014
Type of communication:
Consumer Product Recall
Source of recall:
Health Canada
General Public
Identification number:

Affected products

3MTM Screen and Keyboard Cleaner CL680

Product description

This voluntary recall involves 3MTM Screen and Keyboard Cleaner CL680; identified by UPC number 00021200529580.  The cleaner is sold as part of a kit intended for external use on computer keyboards and screens. The kit contains cleaning fluid in a 35 mL pump spray container, six cleaning wipes, and an applicator.

Hazard identified

Through testing of product samples, 3M recently discovered possible bacterial contamination of 3MTM Screen and Keyboard Cleaner CL680.

Neither 3M nor Health Canada has received any reports of consumer incidents or injuries related to the use of the cleaner and the potential risk for healthy individuals is considered very low. However, there are susceptible populations such as people with compromised immune systems or individuals with structural lung issues where contact with the bacteria may cause infection. The bacteria discovered, Burkholderia cepacia, is widespread and commonly found in environments such as soil, vegetables and roots from different plants, and surfaces.

Number sold

Approximately 25,170 units of the recalled product were distributed by 3M Canada Company to distributors and retailers across Canada.

Time period sold

The recalled product was sold from 2003 through May 2014.

Place of origin

Manufactured in Taiwan.


3M Canada Company

Images (select thumbnail to enlarge - opens in a new window)

What you should do

Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled cleaner and contact 3M Canada by telephone at 1-800-364-3577 for return and reimbursement instructions.   Consumers who do not wish to return the product should dispose of it according to Municipal Hazardous Waste Guidelines due to the chemical nature of the product.

Please note that the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act prohibits recalled products from being redistributed, sold or even given away in Canada.

Health Canada would like to remind Canadians to report any health or safety incidents related to the use of this product or any other consumer product or cosmetic by filling out the Consumer Product Incident Report Form.